
Elastic Intranet


Easy to install and use, ready-to-go intranet for Office 365 and SharePoint 2016

Elastic Intranet is a completely new approach for building a company’s intranet, easy to install and use set of tools composed in a ready-to-go SharePoint intranet in SaaS and on-premise model, which fills the gap between SharePoint's out-of-the-box features and companies needs. Our original blocks-like content management system allows quick creation of not only perfectly looking pages in consistent design, but also entire enterprise and knowledge areas, such as: the knowledge bases, resources booking, location maps and many more. All of this without any need of technical skills or resources for the architecture management. Elastic Intranet is available in the Microsoft Office Store. This allows customer to install fully-featured and elastic SharePoint-based intranet in just a few clicks without wasting months on doing research and analysis. Installation takes only a few minutes and does not require complicated configuration (see how it works:
elastic 365

Out of the box intranet for SharePoint 2013/2016 and Office 365