
An AI-powered tool that helps job seekers simplify the job search process.

JobSeer is an AI-powered tool for job seekers to find their career paths faster and simpler. It is accessible on various job boards like LinkedIn, Indeed, and more. JobSeer is a useful addition to any chrome extension deck. The core Smart Search Feature, allows job seekers to narrow down their job search by simply entering their desired job title, skills, and location. JobSeer will then do its work by creating a boolean string on the search tab and detect the most relevant jobs based on the job seeker’s desired preferences. On top of the Smart Search Feature convenience, JobSeer also offers an accurate match score by scanning resumes to find matched and unmatched skills to provide job seekers full transparency on how well they align with the job. The Smart Search and Match Score Feature gives candidates an understanding of their job search strategy and their skills in detail.
Ninh Tran

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