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Build patent portfolios faster

Find potential IP in your PRDs and automatically generate invention disclosures

Get clear about your IP

Make faster IP decisions

Start and finish in minutes

Minimize meetings and process

Approach your lawyer with a plan

Start building your portfolio


40x your value without

breaking a sweat

Building is hard. Securing intellectual property shouldn't be. Take the fear and anxiety out of IP and build your portfolio with confidence.


The current state of the art is a fillable PDF. For most companies, the IP pipeline isn't just leaky - the pipes don't even connect. 

Founding Partner,
Boutique IP Law Firm

If I'd had this tool ten years ago when I was still practicing law, I probably wouldn't have stopped! It's difficult and often frustrating to help inventors get out of their own way.

Professor and Associate Dean, Top 25 Law School

Your software is doing what we do with our clients. We meet with engineering teams for a few hours, and then come back to them with a list of potential patents and trade secrets. The difference is they hate spending time with us. Your tool is a win-win for everyone.

IP Lawyer,
Regional IP Law Firm

Start your IP portfolio today

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