
Emerging Rule PBC


?We only develop EdTech that guides the leaders of the future.?

Emerging Rule PBC is a public benefit corporation that develops innovative products of educational technology, curricula, and manages LevelShip: an educational application in which the machine learns to highlight the capabilities of students. The purpose of our organization is the positive impact on society through the protection of children; creating a future that gives them the opportunity to excel by focusing on their favorite subjects. Moreover, it is clear that global education is not equitable therefore, Emerging Rule levels the field through LevelShip. Additionally, we researched various successful education systems in order to develop an application that not only keeps students engaged, but also identifies their natural abilities. Besides, we studied catalysts such as, excessive course size, lack of after-school activities and lack of active orientation tutoring among many other themes to address discouragement and crop students towards systematic progress. Our goal is to k

Machine Learning LMS