


Smart way to track your learning and create a living resume that truly showcases your expertise.

Most learning does not happen within the confines of a course, or packaged within the experience of a formal learning program. The majority of learning comes from less structured experiences, including reading, networking, participating, and countless other daily activities that traditionally haven?t fallen under the heading learning. In part, this is because these experiences weren't trackable by the technology in use. This resulted in individuals and organizations losing crucial information. Today, EnGrip is actively building tools and technology to let people track these learning experiences and ultimately build their Knowledge Identity. We firmly believe that: 1. Live blueprint/ a record of users? learning experiences can be a more more informative version of their experience than a resume. 2. Publishing users? learning experiences can help in identifying them as an expert in a particular field to be sought after for an advice, questions or even jobs.
anilkumar ghorakavi

Founder @ EnGrip, defining new future for resumes.