


RAPID VOCAB is an American English vocabulary mastery e-course for English learners above age 2.

RAPID VOCAB, established in 2018, is an American English vocabulary mastery e-course for English learners above age 2. The program features hours of colorful lessons, music videos, quizzes, and extensive lesson material based on Latin and Greek root words, prefixes, and suffixes. The program is designed to be the shortcut that helps children with both vocabulary and spelling for the rest of their lives. By mastering the 21 core root words, prefixes and suffixes in RAPID VOCAB, young people will have the tools to decode over 100,000 words for life, without the need for a dictionary or thesaurus. This provides a distinct advantage, helping learners fall in love with learning for its own sake.
Rapid Vocab

RAPID VOCAB is an American English vocabulary mastery e-course for English learners above age 2.