


Revmeup App is a social review platform that lets you make great buying desicions.

REVMEUP LETS YOU REVIEW, STALK, EARN AND BUY Revmeup is a social review platform that rescues you from the fake online review. REVIEW: Discover and share reviews & ratings with your friends about new & trending products. Be as critical as possible and help others buy their dream product. STALK: Stalk interesting products and get price alerts, notifications and review updates. And when you think the price is right and product it the one you need then buy it. this way you can save money. EARN: With each review you write you earn coins. And you can redeem those coins to fet cashbacks and rewards. This is a win win situation for both the readers and you. BUY: Use your earned coins and compare prices, offers and cashbacks; And make informed buying decision.
