


The ultimate grade tracking app for uni students.

UniMate is an app for University students across the UK, which helps them log their grades, know what they’re currently on track for and predict what they need to get to achieve their desired marks by simply inputting their grades into the UniMate app. Grading systems vary across universities and can often be confusing and tedious to keep track of. UniMate solves this issue for students, from Undergraduate to Postgraduate degrees. With the straightforward and smooth interface, UniMate is a one-stop-shop for accessing previous grades, inputting new ones, being reminded when your upcoming assignments are due and generally having a clear idea of where you stand during your degree. UniMate lets students worry less about grade tracking; giving them more time to focus on their studies and enjoy their time at University. The grade logging and tracking is just the first step; hopefully, if the first version of the app does well, then we would expand to A levels or even other countries. Our goal is also to add a community aspect to the app to create a supportive community between students. This app has a lot of potential, and we’re excited to take it to the next stage. In the first week of launching we reached close to 500 users.
Charlotte Gray

Co-Founder & CEO at UniMate