
William Gilbert Lightner


William Gilbert Lightner is presently living in Marietta, Georgia.

William Gilbert Lightner is presently living in Marietta, Georgia. After wandering around, one day Mr. William Gilbert was sawed three Labrador puppies were searching for food near the garbage. This makes him very sad and at present, he runs his own rescue shelter for animals to protect them. William Gilbert Lightner runs a shelter where he takes care of all the needy animal names as ‘Lightner’s rescue shelter’. William always keeps some water with him in his car for the needy puppies in the nastiest likely physical state. ‘People in Marietta truly don’t care about those pups. They often left them in hot summers without food and water for the whole day.’ says Mr. Lightner. William Gilbert Lightner works as an audio engineer at his home studio. He also worked with local performers from Marietta. For more info visit
William Gilbert Lightner

William Gilbert Lightner from Marietta, Georgia and loves to save domestic animals.